Circle Call 2021-01-27

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Date and Location

Wednesday 27th January 2021, online at


  • Attendance, who is here from which co-ops?
  • Check in, how is everybody?
  • Agree a note taker, who would like to take notes of the meeting?
  • Agree the order of the agenda
  • Notes of last meeting
  • Membership updates:
  • CoTech fund update:
    • Annual accounts for 2020?
    • Annual hosting requirements, questions from Chris:
      • Should Webarchitects downgrade and invoice for the Nextcloud server?
      • Is the Nextcloud Forms plugin suitable to replace the Lime survey hosting?
  • CoTech Code of Conduct
  • Autonomic and Good Praxis have won a bid together. Going great! More collective bids!
  • There is a CoTech Matrix chat room for anyone who wants to try this decentralised Signal alternative.
  • CoTech 2021 video with Blake House, see the notes of the last discussion
  • Itemising tasks we want done for the network and posting them on Hubl
  • AOB
  • Date of next meeting



Apologies for absence: Chris Lowis

Present: Chris, Harry, Luke, Ieva, Simon, Szczepan


Hubl update from Szczepan: it is now transleted into English but not 100% yet.


Newsletter, nobody present had an update on this, Luke would be interested in work on this for an hour or two a month if CoTech could fund it.


CoTech New Members

New members:

  • Harry will take on on boarding Studio Oto.
  • Chris had a chat with Michael from Data Content Reach and will help they add their details to the CoTech web site (Aaron might also be able to help with onboarding them)
  • There's a new member application, ChangeLab, need a volunteer to help with onboarding


GreenNet is not a co-op but are trying to transition to become one. CoTech agreed to approve their membership of CoTech on the condition that they became a co-op within two years, this peroid has now lapsed so technically GreenNet have ceased to be a member of CoTech.

Harry believes that Outlandish would block a proposal to widen Cotech membership to a "network of co-operatives and companies and social enterprises that are on the path to becoming co-operatives that sell tech/digital services”, currently CoTech is "a network of co-operatives that sell tech/digital services".

CoTech Fund

Annual CoTech accounts, to discuss at the next meeting.

Hosting Requirements for 2021

CoTech Nextcloud ( was initially set up as an experiment for CoTech, which was used a lot by Animorph and Joseph, but not used much by other members of CoTech. Animorph moved to a separate NC server. This has never been paid, there are some useful parts such as calendar or forms. Chris thinks it's worth keeping it but it would make sense to reduce its size, perhaps move it to a shared hosting and its cost would reduce dramatically. At present Joseph uses a fair amount of space, Chris will reach out to them.

Code of Conduct

CoTech Code of Conduct, various existing ones are linked from this wiki page

This matter came up due to two issues on the Discourse forum:

  • There was an argument on our Discourse instance and one person was abusive, as a result the person stopped posting to the forum.
  • Then we had another person who argued on other topic, eventually deleting all their posts and asking for their account to be deleted.

It would be good to discuss this topic and establish a code of conduct we can approve on Loomio. It is not massively urgent but it would be good to have something in place. We agree that this would be best discussef face-to-face at a future gathering.

Co-operation between CoTech co-ops

Luke updated on an example of CoTech co-operation in practice:

Outlandish have been working with a lot of other CoTech co-ops.


CoTech matrix room,

CoTech 2021 Video

Producing a CoTech 2021 promotional video with Blake House.

Video currently on the website:

Old video seems out of date, the new one could introduce a fresh coherent view of CoTech, demonstrate the quality of work, have examples of co-operatives, spanning across different services. Enspiral ( had a video explainer covering circles and how it works. Blake House could work with the co-ops to co-create the script and decide what would be useful for CoTech as a video.

Harry: It would be great to get the idea of 'why working with the co-ops is a good idea' across and how to promote the idea of cutting a middle man. Outlandish could even pay for some of the explainers that cover running co-op specific elements. Perhaps there could be a few videos that cover.

There might be two directions, one CoTech wide, the other co-op specific.

Luke: Great, explaining what CoTech is would be great; only challenging to get as many co-ops involved as possible.

Chris: It would be great!

Harry: Also Co-ops UK have a new boss and they could support that.

Next actions: Ieva and Simon would develop a set of steps that could be shared with everyone and get feedback.

Itemised tasks...

Next month.


Nothing raised.

Date of Next Meeting

24th Feb 2021 4pm