Circle Call 2019-10-30
See the call thread on the forum, this call will be using from 4pm onwards on 30th October 2019.
- Attendance, apologies and agree on a note taker and the agenda
- Matters arising from the last meeting
- We have been invited to attend the Annual Assembly Facttic, December 6th and 7th in Argentina
- CoTech Newcastle 2019 Gathering, Friday 13th (the day after the General Election) and Saturday 14th December, 10am-5pm
- Date of next meeting
Google docs notes which have been converted into HTML and placed below, note that these could do with the formatting sorting out...
Date: 30/10/2019
Aaron - Agile Collective
Polly Outlandish
Jonathan - Webarchitects
David - Co-op Web (Standing in for Nick)
Szczepan - Animorph
Calum + John - Code-Operative
Nigel - ??
Simon Grant – Cetis LLP – asimong (everywhere including gmail)
Chris - Web Architects
- Let happy dev know that we’re looking to setup Startin’ Blox - Calum
- Enquire for volunteers to cook lunch, or about alternative lunch plans, by November - Calum
- Is the election going to get in the way of people travelling to the conference? If so, post this information to people on the Wiki - Calum
- Organise the election night party - John, Calum
- Cotech Gathering in December
- Calum is leading on organising this. Work so far:
- Wikipedia is updated, including some options for accommodation,
- Still need to decide what to do for lunch. We could cook together or we can go out to local restaurants
- Polly: Think that working is more valuable than cooking
- Simon: Some people enjoy cooking and those interactions (but obviously if not enough energy, revert to Polly’s position)
- Calum: One working group could also be cooking simultaneously
- Aaron: Worker Co-op weekend they get Suma to cook, though that is planned way in advance
- URGENT: one or two people need to take responsibility for the working groups. Last year’s were:
- Branding and comms
- Website (tech)
- Governance and membership
- Skills sharing - Simon Grant (Other participants: Happy Dev (Probably), John, Calum)
- Getting Startin Blox instance up and running. Matt (Outlandish contact) would be willing to do this, pay them out of the fund
- Simon: There are some things that the software doesn’t do, so we should have a look at this ahead of time also to decide what else needs to be added or alternative works
- Simon: We might want to break into two groups (one more about recruitment, and one more about StartinBlocks??)
- can we get interested people together beforehand
- Onboarding -
- Fund - Szczepan
- Business development - Polly
- New suggestions:
- Ecology / sustainability - Jonathan
- Sharing resources toward social and economic goals- Paula
- Suggestion (Jonathan): the Newcastle group (Code Operative) decide overall and co-ordinate who does what when, but let people self-select if they have time to prepare for holding a session? (suggestion - Jonathan)
- ^^ Push back on this because Newcastle don’t really have the capacity of skills to dictate the programme. Calum suggested keeping co-ordinators of workshops in touch with each other through some channel (Agreed - Jonathan)
- Potentially a session on getting CoopsUK more involved - Nick from Co-opWeb. The Phone Co-op would no doubt be happy to send someone, if asked.
- (Simon) I’d like a short session, not a working group, on the idea of collaborating around setting up a consultancy operation dealing with both the information tech and the social tech (e.g. organisational change)
- Full list is here: <a class="c13" href= ""></a>
- Polly : not all of these need to be working groups - some can be collaborative sessions
- Who would lead a session? List ..
Jonathan:I’d like a time (20 mins?) to present to the whole group an idea for some software under Ecology / sustainability - but perhaps that’s for Show and Tell?
- Annual Assembly Factic
- The Argentinian group of Tech Co-ops are having their annual assembly 6th and 7th December. There’s an option to dial in. Probably unlikely that anyone will actually go physically.
- Election
- It’s important to tell people that they will need to get a postal vote or vote in the morning if they are planning to travel up to Newcastle on the Thursday
- There’s a link to the Election Tech Handbook, co-ordinated by Newspeak House, which is a really useful resource for anyone who wants to get behind the election
- Outlandish have direct contact with Momentum, who they share a building with. Also working with NEU, TUC and others. Code-Operative have contact with ACORN
- Show and Tell
- <a class="c13" href= ""></a>
- Outlandish are organising a show&tell for early December, people are welcome to join
- Suggestion to get co-ops to prepare a document about their “top 10 projects” of the year, and post these on a wall at the conference
- Codesign for next year of events (mainly london coops)
Anything arising from last meeting?
Message from Jonathan 4.40pm: I am getting error msgs "Connection Interrupted : Trying to reconnect" and long silences - audio total loss for long times ... So it's not worth continuing for me, and i also got a 5.30 pm meeting so with apologies - I will read the minutes later and keep in touch, over and out - Jonathan