Circle Call 2019-06-26

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CoTech Decision making Circle Call

Liam - Co-ordinator (emailing the co-ops, posting on the forum), Facilitator - Polly (chairing the meeting?), Note-taker - Annie (taking notes/minutes/agreements/actions)

Call link:


  1. Roles for the meeting: Liam - Co-ordinator, Facilitator - Aaron/Maria, Note-taker: Annie
  2. Notes of the last call, Circle Call 2019-05-29
  3. Attendance: Liam (MediaBlaze), Aaron (Agile Collective), Annie (Dot Project), Nick (CodeOperative), Chris Coombe (WebArchitects), (Chris) Go Free Range, Szczepan (Animorph), Harry (Outlandish) - do we have a quorum
  4. Proposal process proposal (raised by John Evans - but not on the call).
  5. CoopHack 5/6 July — help needed with updating the CoTech website (you don't have to be there, you could help writing metadata in advance)
  6. Joint Workers co-op / CoTech weekend May 2020, see the Loomio thread and the Discourse thread
  7. CoTech fund (Aaron & Szczepan)
  8. Autumn 2019 CoTech gathering?
  9. Announcements
  10. Actions
  11. AOB
  12. Next meeting 2019-07-31



Co-ops that are members of CoTech: of (37 + 3) = 40 and 40/3 = 13⅓

Should we have a proposal / discussion around status of members e.g. inactive members wouldn't be expected to attend calls etc. Really these calls should be for decision-making purposes and need to think through about how we can make this happen. Liam/Chris set up a mailing list for the circle calls group.

Proposal process (John/Nick)

Proposal processes: How do we make proposals on the call, and go through a ratification process back in each coop? Could we make a list of the type of decisions we would need quorate (i.e. wouldn't need to have for events etc). Harry offered to draft initial list.

CoopHack (Chris)

At the CoopHack was assuming to do work on the website but realise few people from CoTech will be at the session - is there work in advance that can be collated to work on during the Hack. e.g. missing metadata, images from PNGs to SVGs (e.g. logos), no. employees / total turnover of all coops, 3-4 new coops to be added to the website.

Joint Workers co-op / CoTech weekend May 2020 (Chris)

Proposal was to have a CoTech event at the same time as at the joint works coop weekend. Discourse thread and loomio poll on this but quite a few people haven't voted (closes this coming Sunday). Not yet in a position to make a decision. (The dates may actually move due to bank holiday)

Harry commented Outlandish happy to run other events also in Space4, and in other alternative venues. In favour of as many as possible to go to the weekend, but not the main meetup to be at the coop weekend.

Liam commented in favour of the main meetup being lined up with this weekend, but happy to explore other ideas and locations.

General view that run a CoTech gathering alongside the Joint Works weekend, but this isn't the main gathering - the more events the better throughout the year, and try to engage the CoTech network. Chris L - mentioned that the autumn gathering seemed to be the main time for making decisions, if we can make the calls work then we can have more momentum - and a more gatherings across the country.

CoTech Fund (Szczepan/Chris)

Fund is up and running. Want to propose a separate circle that would be responsible for the fund. At the gathering we decided whoever wanted to spend money would set up a proposal on loomio for a week, and could go ahead - seems a bit unstructured. So would prefer a circle so the proposals for spending money can be brought to the circle. Only those contributing to the fund can make decisions on spend.

Update on the fund (Chris). 9 coops agreed to participate - received contribution from 4. Animorph, Principle6, Agile and GoFreeRange. We are Open, Autonomic, Form and Function, Coopweb, Outlandish to provide funds.

£1 per week per member paid on an annual week (based on SolidFund principles). First thing to decide will be how the budgeting process will work. Chris offered to set up Loomio closed group for inviting working group.

No critical concerns from the group on the call.

Autumn 2019 CoTech Gathering (Nick)

Nick has explored some other venues including a space in Newcastle (community run, local venue) - Codeop have offices in Newcastle. Been talking to AlphaCommunications who are based in Newcastle and keen to also get involved in helping organise events. Alternatively just finding space for extra events outside the Autumn gathering. Harry suggested some conversations with other previous organisers.



  1. ALL - sign up to the mailing list for circle calls
  2. ALL - vote on the joint works coop poll in Loomio
  3. Harry - draft type of decisions that need quorate
  4. ALL & Animorph - add to threads for 4 areas of work to do on improving the website ahead of the coophack e.g. metadata contributions. Animorph to do the svgs of the logos
  5. Nick - arrange a meeting for organising Autumn gathering particularly previous organisers Polly from Outlandish, Aaron from Agile Collective, Chris Lowis GoFreeRange, Chris Croome / Jonathan from WebArchitects.
  6. Chris L - set up a thread and confirm first circle call for CoTech Fund.
  7. Chris L - Dot Project and CodeOp to also confirm if wish to contribute to CoTech Fund - Chris to send details to Annie & Nick.

Any Other Business

Next Meeting

Calls topic here and next Circle Call 2019-07-31

Coordinator: Liam

Facilitator: Aaron

Notetaker: Annie