Spring Break 2021/Collaboration within CoTech

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CoTech Spring Break 2021 8th–9th April

Line-Up: https://community.coops.tech/t/cotech-gathering-spring-break-2021/2367

Meet.coop - BigBlueButton - Quick Start: https://kb.hubkengroup.com/web-conferencing/bigbluebutton-quick-start-guide

— Collaboration within CoTech ROY CLAY ROOM 12:00–13:00 BST

Facilitators: Polly Robbins (Outlandish), Aaron Hirtenstein (Agile Collective)

Session will look at how co-ops collaborate in CoTech. The motivation is to look at some of the examples of and barriers to collaboration. How can we establish a shared understanding both on the culture level as well as on the very down to earth elements such as day and cost rates. Three usual ways of co-ops collaborating will be shared and discussed to understand what would work best in the future



Present:Aaron (Agile Collective), Polly (outlandish), Geoff (Animorph), Cat (Dot Project), Tim (Data Content Reach), Ben (Creative Coop)
