Propaganda Working Group 2021-07-20

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Online at TBD; 2pm 20th July 2021.




  • Agree facilitator, agenda & note-taker for the meeting
  • Check-in
  • Summary from June Call discussions (
  • Observation: there are quite a few different ways to interpret this WG. What are the interests of people in this WG? Please add to the list below:
    • Overlapping interests between Unions and co-operatives. Mutual aid in class war
    • Spreading co-operative ideas and principles
    • Marketing CoTech to potential clients, to potential members
    • Motivating people in CoTech
    • A space to find individuals in tech support for a movement or group, a space possibly for the political/wider sociological efforts of people from CoTech
  • Review of current efforts
    • Newsletter
      • Target audience of newsletter
  • The thread about marketing CoTech to clients and the stack of slides pertaining to this
  • Objective: establish some first steps, experiments, the next things to try and do
  • AOB