Community Call 28 February 2018

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February 28. 2018


  • Chris Lowis (Go Free Range)
  • Laura Hilliger (We Are Open)
  • Luke (Aptivate)
  • Aaron (Agile Collective)
  • There were others ...

Agenda Overview

  • Welcome and connecting (10 mins)
  • Notes for the call: To wiki, the death of etherpad ? (5)
  • Facilitating at Wortley Hall in 2018 (15)
    • Potentially also:
    • people were generally happy, but we can improve.
    • Who wants to help plan wortley hall?
    • Trying to consult people in cotech about all the decisions is crazy hard.
    • get a budget upfront and a collective of people who commit.
    • Set up a payment page, suggest a more formal process.
    • Wortley Hall needs to communicate with one person
  • CoTech Newsletter:
    • Chris, Chris and Luke worked together, we had to go looking for news. Kept it as simple as possible, one email and then fell back to doing it via Discourse.
    • Thankless task (ha!)
  • Talked about how cotech functions, we talked about the coordination of this network
    • Harry said - Would be good to get CoBudget working - it was developed to turn Enspiral from a talkocracy into a do-ocracy
    • Maybe need to do an ask for contributions
  • Open Coop 2018 (10 mins)
    • thread:
    • We discussed doing a CoTech event instead, sounds practical.
  • Cooperative Congress in June - Aaron to msg John and ask about this.