Community Animation 2020-08-14

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  • Calum (Code-Operative)
  • Alex (Happy Dev)
  • John (Code-Operative)
  • Polly (Outlandish)
  • Josef (United Diversity)
  • Szczepan (Animorph)
  • Aaron (Agile Collective)



  • John: write the questionnaire for the taxonomy
  • Calum: update the onboarding presentation with the presentation
  • Polly: speak to Lucy from InFact about leads for Hubl
  • Calum, John, Szczepan: formulate a script for the onboarding + taxonomy from the notes below - working doc.


1. Chicken (check-in)

  • 1.  Polly - excited, back in space4, new friends up north
  • 2. Alex - happy and relaxed, pained by bug reports, excited for August
  • 3. Szczepan - great, slept not much, project finished and stakeholders of stakeholders happy
  • 4. John - guilty and stressed  about too much projects but excited about VR phone
  • 5. Josef - (quorn) - good, tired from social media and small kids, 
  • 6. Calum - bit hyperactive, otherwise good

2. Onboarding Hubl as outlined in Loomio proposal outcome

  • Hubl has team chat, job directory and profiles, getting works and invoicing, could be used to address skill sharing and passing jobs
  • Could also strengthen the connections between Factic and Happy Dev
  • Btw. Hubl website has a small typo - "Profit Directory" should probably be "Profile Directory"? Unless they are talking about the 'end goal'?

What do we want to focus on first?

  • Need users from each co-op first, physically making their accounts. Explaining to them how to use the tool, and what we need out of them. Skills register and posting jobs on Hubl is the priority
  • Registering is not too difficult. But mostly done using the admin back-end. You can create accounts for another user. Could we integrate with existing user system on CoTech Forum - Discourse accounts? Alex says that everything that complies with OpenID would work.
  • Suggesting that we do a pyramid-scheme style engagement thing where the reps from the co-ops can get their fellow co-op members involved. (more on that below re Microsolidarity)
  • It would be useful to add Hubl information to the existing onboarding document.

3. Coop Taxonomy

  • Create a resource where people can know what their place is within CoTech - to create a map of who's who. A kind of map to help with onboarding.
  • What kinds of business activities does this co-op perform? How big is this co-op? How active are they within CoTech?
  • Using animals to make it short and sweet, easier to remember than a complex description. Create a metaphor for the function and role of the co-op within the ecosystem.
  • Questions will be for example: how does your membership system/structure work within your co-op? What is your raison d'être? What is your role within CoTech? What is the size of your co-op? What are your business activities? What would you like it to be like? What are you looking for in other co-operatives, and in CoTech? What are the problems you face? Can you volunteer someone from your co-op to be the main contact point for Hubl?
  • Calum: some data will be provided by Hubl itself. E.g. we will be able to see who the main producers of (Hubl) projects are, consumers etc.
  • Josef: Microsolidarity could be useful reference here, people committing to getting to know each other and supporting each other, through "crewing" practices.  
  • Suggestion that the one thing we expect all members of all co-ops to read is the Cotech Monthly Newsletter
  • Within Hubl this would be using the circles feature, which can be public or private (Hubl is now Pimp my co-op)

Other community animation activities

  • Enquiring whether people want to participate in another CoTech gathering
  • Ask if anyone has anything to contribute to the monthly newsletter
