Circle Call 2025-01-29

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General Information

Wednesday, 29th January 2025 @4pm

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Google calendar link(recurring event for the last Wednesday of every month, December + August skipped)

Video Call Link

Forum Link

Standing Agenda

  • Appoint facilitator and note taker
  • Attendees: Chris Croome, Natasha, Muntasir
  • Check-in - everyones overworked
  • Check forum thread and add all the discussion points
  • Check parked agenda points from previous meeting
  • Review last meeting's actions

Meeting Agenda

- CoTech Gathering 14th March Organising (Natasha)

- Catch up about how phone banking is going


CoTech Gathering 14th March

N: check ticket pricing £30-£50, is it ok?

C: Yes sounds good

N: Social after the event at the pub

N: How do I organise the sessions?

C: It's good to have a rough plan to get people to come but we can do it unconference style on the day too.

N: Should we organise another meeting with John Evans and Louise about it?

C: Would be good to have a meeting before hand if you have capacity

N: I'll put up the event on CoTech and mention the socials.

C: Maybe add some sessions we're hoping to have - Ben from Outlandish could talk about Ansible. Something about N: What sessions would CoTech people be interested in?

C: Everyone needs work.

N: Could it be about proposals and briefs. More in depth about that kind of thing?

C: Topic of trump pulling the plug on things.Tech bros running the world issues.

C: Another thing that might help is renting a big airbnb.

How's phone banking going?

C: Did one, two coops with one call. Some of the numbers not really working. We'll have to send emails.

N: Could we do some phone banking as part of the cotech gathering?

How can we get more people to come to this meeting?

C: No ideas. People are probably just busy and snowed under wtih work. are also struggling for numbers.


- Natasha to put cotech event online and on co-tech forum. Be honest in the eventbrite description.

- Natasha add a spreadsheet for suggesting topics. Add a tab for places to stay.

- Natasha to organise a call with John Evans and Louise about CoTech gathering.

- Chris to do some phone banking between now and the gathering

Parked agenda for next meeting