Circle Call 2024-11-27
General Information
Wednesday, 27th November 2024 @4pm
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Standing Agenda
- Appoint facilitator and note taker
- Attendees: Chris - Web Architects, Lai - Autonomic, John Evans - Sepheo, Simon Chapman, Richard Rowley - Agile Collective, Natasha - Outlandish
- Check-in
- Check forum thread and add all the discussion points
Meeting Agenda
- merger
- Next CoTech gathering
- Co-op collaborative bidding - (Lai autonomic)
- Could LocalGovDrupal be a model for other co-ops targeting public or other key sectors contracts? - (Lai autonomic)
- Network Coordinator Proposal (Natasha)
- Big Stupid Dream (John Evans)
Check in merger
No updates
J: Can we report it back to
L: will post it on the forum
C: started to use sociocracy but moved away from it
N: Outlandish running sociocracy training this Friday - discount code
Next CoTech gathering
N: Friday 14th March date for Space4 gathering. Will post save the date on the forum.
J: Can support!
Network Coordinating/Maintenance proposal (Natasha)
N: Just been put up for discussion up on Loomio but not open up vote yet.
File:Co-Tech Network Coordinator Proposal.pdf
L: Autonomic would support
Agile would support
Outlandish would support
J: SEPHEO doesn't clash with this. Could collaborate.
R: lead with task based approach to things that aren't happening after merger. Need to get us to March.
R: no one knows what to do with the money. How will the finances of CoTech be?
Co-op collaborative bidding - (Lai - autonomic)
L: Always a dream. Tackle problems such as multiple CoTech agencies bidding for the same thing and capacity and bidding for bigger stuff.
J: understanding what all the co-ops do. Easier to understand which co-ops fit together.
R: covered in the interim coordination proposal.
J: ask people what they do currently and what their vision is (Big Stupid Dream)
C: we should incorporate updating the services offered on the CoTech website
R: wider question of co-op collaboration is a question for March
Could LocalGovDrupal be a model for other co-ops targeting public or other key sectors contracts? - (Lai - autonomic)
R: membership co-op. Can sell that to local government where co-ops are alien. Open source co-op governed software project. There are loads of need, maybe could work in other areas. We could all co-develop things we can sell. Possible money available from Co-ops UK to do such things. Agile could give a CoTech talk on it.
N: what if Space4 did an online event
R and S: we could attend
R: just had LovalGovDrupal week. Loads of talks vids available -
Big Stupid Dream (John Evans)
J: could this be incorporated into the calling around co-ops being done by the interim coordination proposal.
J: SEPHEO is a new co-op. If we were doing well, mass membership org in the hundreds and thousands. Going from receiver of work to creating it for co-op sector.
R: Agile - grown design team. We'd like to do more visually interesting stuff e.g. museum and arts sector.
L: Autonomic - sustain current wage, doesn't look possible right now. Press one button and life comfortably (ethical).
N: Outlandish - one big client that is month on month support work. Having more members.
S: Agile - being able to offer more ethical successful SAAS services. Stable income.
R: stable internet for all co-operators
C: Web Architects - grant from Sheffield Council to get servers to setup OpenShift. Will get to know outcome early next week. 50k worth of servers. Offer it to Co-ops in CoTech. Web Architects default ethical alternative to AWS.
N: going to put a job out for a digital producer (project manager, sales), anyone know anyone?
R: seed more co-ops. Mentor new co-ops! So much knowledge available for new co-ops. Localised/in person.
R: went to conference in the U.S. Would be good to do that for fare. Great to refresh and renew.
C: being discussed for Birmingham gathering
Next next CoTech gathering
R: Combine with Autumn assembly. Co-op selling day (public). Agile happy to host.
Sion's party 7th December at SPACE4
Come one, come all!
Check Out
N: really great. Next call will be in Jan. Hopefully vote will go through.
S: started off awkward and got into flow
J: appreciated attention to time. Got everything I wanted.
C: looking forward to party
L: bigger picture always feels a bit more rosy after CoTech happening
N to change title of proposal to add "interim" and open vote.
N to follow up with Richard about LocalGovDrupal online event in Jan/Feb
Lai to post mins on forum
Parked agenda for next meeting
- Discuss focus of next CoTech gathering
- Discuss second CoTech gathering at Autumn assembly