Circle Call 2022-01-26
Attendees: john, szczepan, polly, patcon
Time: 4pm UK 26th Jan 2022
Polly - talk to Leo
John - ask Leo to pick what date works for them
Patcon - connect with john about the polling tool
Personal Check-in
szczepan. busy mind. planning to do more with cotech. (?)
john. came out of refounding call. new co-op directions. EXCITEMENT.
patcon. feeling better this week.
polly. GRUMP MORNING. too busy. (ask her to do things). been checked out since oct.
Co-op Check-in (mainly capacity)
animorph. more people working together. feels more solid. ___ term? how we work. task-first approach. what is the work made of. cut through fuzzy things. eye tracking. mixed reality. need more workers. hiring now.
code operative. at capacity for dev. not for design. strange place between freelancer co-op and worker co-op. maybe need to choose. freelancer needs size. client situation working well.
Patcon. inactive with Hypha. “they” not “we” for now. don’t want to represent. in canada. can share what they working on in case anyone wishes to reach out. founders met in civic tech community in Toronto, skeptical about blockchains in general, but have been building governance modules for ATOM/Cosmos blockchain (attempt at chain hub). Also continuing work on mozilla-funded online magazine, built on distributed web tech.
Outlandish were freaking out about work but sold stuff in the past week, trying to decide whether doing big work for non-coopy orgs or charities but lower rates Cooperate Islington has started to stimulate the coop economy, pls retweet Link from Pat relating to it: Any HR handbooks? There is a collection of coop handbooks somewhere (no specific section)
Possibility of Birmingham Gathering in May
Autonomic have said they could make something happen in Birmingham Leo has identified a venue for day events and a venue for the after party Feel like we know how to do this May might not be best, clashes with Worker Coop Weekend and Conference on union-coops Question of merging with WCW We need more time Next steps: Polly can chat with Leo to go through what’s been done before Method to pick a date? Non-painful method to collect when would work for this? Not the first weekend of May Poll on cotech forum of weekends Just do it, don’t poll, host coop pick a date, please not the queen’s party we love are maj
Cotech Proposals
Incorporate cotech as cooperative society multi-stakeholder? all members pay equal, or based on revenue? current: member if paying, associate if not paying. kinda multistakeholder: member levels. other models, not all co-op society. Pain from FCA, limited by guarantee etc might be easier, because can go with companies house instead
Is incorporation a heavy step when participation is low? Is opencollective a bridging for what we want? From patcon (civic tech toronto): we don’t want to institutionalise a top-heavy structure in case resources diminish
Change cotech fund to get more money Revenue calculation?
Using legal entity and money, hire network coordinator
Szczepan is up for attending next meeting What we need is taking the energy of the decision outwards Patcon has experience with using this tool that allows large amounts of people to asynchronously view where a decision is at currently
Respect to you and your crew