Circle Call 2020-02-26
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- Welcome new co-ops
- Fund update
- Worker Co-op Weekend
- Decision making process
- CoTech EMF
- Abi (Outlandish)
- John, Maciek (Code-Operative)
- Chris Lowis (Go Free Range)
- Chris Croome (Webarchitects)
- Sz (Animorph)
- Lucy (InFact)
- Alex (Common Knowledge)
- Leo (Autonomic)
- Welcome new co-ops Jarrow and Paper Rhino. Web Architects have worked with Paper Rhino - we never realised they were a co-op, now we do and they've joined!
- Chris L has been "on-boarding" Danny from Jarrow and Chris C has been working with Paper Rhino.
- Alex raised that it would be good to have a better on-boarding process. There was agreement.
- Sz gave an update on the CoTech fund based on this post:
- Happy Dev have a "president of the network"
- We spoke about using funds to hire someone to help build the network
- Leo, Alex and Lucy all expressed interest in joining the CoTech fund.
- Chris C introduced what the Worker Co-op Weekend is. The CoTech session will run all weekend in parallel with the Worker Co-op Weekend. There's bursary's available from SolidFund. Food should be good. Ticket booking is open:
- If people would like to get involved with the organisation there's a thread:
- Decision making process in CoTech. Context:
- Problems we were trying to solve:
- Constitution only talks about decisions on membership and doesn't have guidance on how to do something else
- The call is a good space for decisions to be made but it felt that the quoracy requirements meant that it was hard to make a decision
- Lucy couldn't vote (no Loomio account) - this seems like a problem
- Alex in favour of a deepening relationship in CoTech. Is nervous about what happens to more peripheral members.
- If there is a change to how the democratic processes we need to work out a way of letting everyone know what is planned
- In order to facilitate this we should move the date back
- Sz wanted to make us aware of the Co-op liason proposal:
- Abi said that in a sociocratic style considering the votes to point the direction of travel is a good way to think about it
- Alex volunteered to update the processes for on-boarding the next time someone joins. To talk to people who have on-boarded recently (Chris L, Chris C, Danny @ Jarrow) for information.
- Sz to ask Aaron @ Agile about the work to flesh out the benefits of membership
- Chris L and Sz to work out how to turn January's proposals into changes to the constitution
- Chris L to make sure Lucy and Alex are on Loomio